1-1 Selbstliebe Coaching - 4 X 60 Minuten Session
1-1 Selbstliebe Coaching - 4 X 60 Minuten Session
In diesen Coaching-Sitzungen werden wir eine Roadmap erstellen, wie du ein Leben voller Selbstliebe, Freude und Glück gestalten kannst.
Das Selbstliebe Coaching unterstützt dich dabei:
- Selbstbewusster zu sein und für dich und deine Bedürfnisse einzustehen
- Liebevoller zu dir und deinem Körper zu sein
- Mehr Freude im Alltag zu erleben
- Bessere Verhandlungsfähigkeiten zu entwickeln und deine Meinung klar zu kommunizieren
- Ein glücklicheres Leben zu führen
- Sport und eine gesunde Ernährung mühelos in deinen Alltag zu integrieren
- Erfüllendere Beziehungen zu pflegen.
Du lernst
- Techniken um mehr in die Selbstliebe zu kommen
- Die passenden Affirmationen für deine Bedürfnisse zu formulieren
- Eine Roadmap zu erstellen um Selbstliebe in deinen Alltag zu integrieren
How did I get into Self-love coaching?
I've been exploring the topic of self-love for over 15 years now. It all started with a significant experience within my family that led me to learn at a young age the importance of our mental health.
I began delving into topics such as self-love, gratitude, and personal development. Through this exploration I came to realize that everything is rooted in our connection with ourselves — how we feel, how we impact others, and, ultimately, how we perceive ourselves.
I firmly believe that the connection to ourselves is essential and serves as the foundation for everything we experience externally.Only when we accept ourselves and truly love who we are can we fully embrace and experience love.
For years, I have been continuously working on myself and my personal issues. I have utilized various approaches, including coaching, therapy, kinesiology, EMDR, family constellations, Reiki, and field reading. Additionally, I have completed a coaching training with Rich Litvin, one of the world's most renowned coaches. In the past, self-doubt used to occupy my thoughts daily and prevented me from realizing my full potential. Nowadays, I love myself and my body, and I can fully accept myself just as I am. I want to share this awareness with as many people as possible.
Becoming aware of what you love about yourself leads to more self-confidence, authenticity, and a loving relationship with yourself and others.